誠徵教師~ 歡迎加入臺大電機系 和我們一起邁向世界頂尖


誠徵電機相關領域具有教學熱忱及優秀研究績效之教授、副教授、助理教授若干名,需求專長 (但不限於)如下:

Multi-Agent Systems, Intelligent Robotics, Mechatronics, and General Control Areas
Advanced CMOS, Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics, Display, Memory Technologies, Quantum Technologies, Bioelectronics, IoT Devices, Power and High-Frequency Devices
Malware Analysis, Network Security, IoT Security, Secure Software and testing, Secure Coding, Cyber-physical Security
SoC Design (AI/ML Chips, Embedded Processor/Memory Design, Green/Medical Electronics, Sensor Electronics, THz/Quantum Circuits, Si Photonics), Hardware Security/Dependable and Trusted Hardware Architecture
Computer Science and Engineering, Embedded Systems, Cloud/Green/Ubiquitous/Mobile Computing and Networking, Cybersecurity and Trusted Computing, Machine Learning, Data-Centric Computing, Computer Architecture
Power Electronics, Renewable Energy, and Smart Grid
Biomedical Electronics, Biomedical Imaging, Nano-Biotechnology, Biophotonics, Bioinformatics, Medical Informatics, Neuroengineering, Computational Bioengineering, Biomedical Sensors
Microwave/Millimeter-wave and THz Technologies, Antennas and Applications, Electromagnetic Theory and Computational Techniques, IoT Enabling Technologies, Intelligent Sensing and Radar Systems, Electromagnetic Compatibility and Signal/Power Integrity, RFIC/MMIC, Advanced Packaging and Heterogeneous Integration
Communications, Signal Processing, Optimization, Information Theory, Coding Theory, Image Forensics, Cyber-Physical Security, Machine Learning, and Emerging Fields in the Aforementioned Areas
Electronic Design Automation (EDA), Design and Verification Methodology for Secure System
Photonics for 3D Sensing, Emerging Display Technologies, Optical Communications & Optical Interconnects (including components/modules/systems for LiDAR, 5G, data center), Ultrahigh Speed Optoelectronics, Quantum Computing (hardware/software), Organic Optoelectronics, Perovskite Optoelectronics, AR/VR/MR/XR
Data Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Computer Vision,  IoT, Data-Centric Computing and Networking, Next-Generation Wireless Networks, Social Networks, Cyber Security



  1. 申請信(包括申請職級及預計可報到日期)
  2. 個人履歷表,需附著作目錄並簡述未來教學研究方向
  3. 5年內代表作及7年內參考作至多5件
  4. 推薦信(至少2封,請推薦人直接寄達)
  5. 博士畢業證書影本(或即將取得博士學位之權責單位開立之證明文件正本)
  6. 大學及研究所歷年成績單

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