Introducing Professor Thierry Blu

Introducing Professor Thierry Blu

Prof. Thierry Blu is a specialist of signal and image processing, with a strong interest in biomedical applications (he teaches biomedical imaging: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Computed Tomography among other modalities). His move to NTU-EE is motivated by a desire to see his research contributions (typically, on computational imaging, image restoration, image alignment, or blind source separation) find practical applications.

Prof. Blu graduated (MSc) from École Polytechnique (Paris, France) in 1986, the most renowned French “Grande École” (alumni: H. Poincaré, S.D. Poisson, A.L. Cauchy, A. Fresnel etc…), and received a PhD in electrical engineering (1996) from École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (Paris, France). He spent 10 years as a telecommunication engineer (France Telecom CNET), 10 years as a senior researcher at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland (EPFL, Biomedical Imaging Group), and 16 years as a full professor at the Chinese university of Hong Kong (Electronic Engineering Department).

He received several journal awards from the IEEE Signal Processing Society and was elected Fellow of the IEEE in 2012 for his contributions to Approximation Theory in Signal Processing.