《EMPOWER》- 2024 臺大電機之夜


被學生譽為「臺大三大夜」的「臺大電機之夜」是由電機系系學會主辦的大型表演活動,集結了舞蹈、戲劇、光舞(Light Dance)等環節,讓才華洋溢的電機系學生們,在學期間課業繁忙的夜晚,帶給觀眾一場視覺及聽覺的心靈饗宴。


電機之夜的舞蹈不但囊括了多種舞風,涵蓋LockingPoppingHip-HopBreakingGirl StyleHouse等,再加上各年級的學生接力呈獻,交織出風格多變的舞臺表演。在各式各樣聲光體驗之間,也穿插了各種舞臺劇,包括幽默逗趣、吊人胃口的串場劇,還有劇情緊湊、扣人心弦的大一劇及跨屆劇。

最後的壓軸則是電機系引以為傲的招牌表演——光舞(Light Dance)。與臺大其他系所稱的「光舞」不同,電機系的光舞是真正「發光的舞蹈」:舞者穿著佈滿LED燈條及光纖衣服、利用嵌入式裝置控制並與自行編寫的編光處理軟體通訊,在黑暗的舞臺透過光線多變的色彩與細膩的視覺設計,配合舞者精彩的舞蹈動作及音樂,帶給觀眾截然不同的聲光效果。


Introduction to NTUEE Night

Known as the “Three Big Nights at NTU” by students, “NTUEE Night” is a large-scale performance event hosted by the NTUEE Student Association. It brings together dance, drama, Light Dance, and other elements to allow the talented students of the EE department to provide the audience with a visual and auditory feast during a busy night in the school year.

The NTUEE Night performance is exceptionally diverse and rich. The nearly four-hour program includes a wide range of dances, dramas, and culminates in the Light Dance performance. The auditorium of the First Student Activity Center, Yiren Hall, is consistently packed every year.

The dance in NTUEE Night not only encompasses various dance styles, such as Locking, Popping, Hip-Hop, Breaking, Girl Style, House, etc., but also features relay performances by students from all grades, blending different styles on stage. Various sound and light experiences are interspersed with various stage plays, including humorous and appetizing skits, as well as compact and thrilling freshman and cross-year performances.

The grand finale is the signature performance of which the EE Department takes great pride – Light Dance. Unlike what other departments at NTU refer to as “light dance,” the EE Department’s Light Dance is a genuine “luminous dance.” Dancers don clothing adorned with LED light bars and fiber optics, utilizing embedded devices to control and interact with light choreography they’ve crafted themselves. By way of specialized software communication, they manipulate the colors of light and intricate visual designs on the dimly lit stage. Paired with the dancers’ mesmerizing movements and music, this delivers a wholly distinct auditory and visual experience to the audience.

Behind the glamorous performance lies the hard work and dedication of NTUEE students who have devoted the past six months to preparations. In addition to the tirelessly practicing performers, there are also various teams, including the public relations team, marketing team, publicity team, and photography team, working in collaboration. Together with the support of the department office and professors, this collective effort ensures that NTUEE Night remains thrilling and captivating year after year.



[ 楊竣凱 ]
電光石火間 夢醒了
徹夜難眠 只為上臺一舞
綻放大家數月努力 縱然發生意外 仍因為
有你們 成就了這最完美的舞台
夢醒時分 功成身退

[ 林沁穎 ]
在這邊也祝福大家期中順利 明年電夜也大成功啦

[ 邱巖盛 ]
夜不長 夢想卻大
奮發無懼 磨練舞劇
明年 舞台