A 校長,院長,各位所長,各位老師佳賓,以及我們今年的畢業生、畢業生的家長大家午安。
A 我是今年的畢業生代表林子敬,電子所奈米電子組。
B 我也是今年的畢業生代表林子恆 ,也是電子所,但不是奈米電子組。
A 大家可能會納悶說為什麼台上有兩個人?其實,因為台大是個國際化的學校,所以我們今天的致詞有英語翻譯。
B Yes.
A 那我們開始了。
B let’s start.
A 我們之前在準備今天講稿的時候。
B when we were preparing what we are going to say today.
A 我試著參考之前大學畢業典禮的致詞內容。
B I tried to reference the speech content from our undergraduate commencement.
A 但是發覺事情並不簡單。
B but found out we were in trouble.
A 因為大學和研究所有很大的不同。
B because undergraduate and graduate programs are very different.
A 大學時期有很多的營隊和活動。
B there were many camps and activities in undergraduate times.
A 大家修的課也很像。
B everyone took similar classes.
A 所以有很多這類的共同回憶。
B so there were many these kinds of common memories.
A 所以,我就在想我們電機學群有哪些共同回憶?
B so I was thinking about what our EE memories are?
A 後來我想到了。
B later it came to me.
A 我們都修了seminar。
B we all took seminars.
A 所上和組上的。
B both on department and group.
A 如果還沒修完請趕快找所長。
B If you have not taken all of them, see you next year.
A 我們也一起參加所上的球賽。
B we attended our sports contests together.
A 一起吃所上尾牙。
B had free dinner together.
A 一起抽獎。
B played lottery together.
A 雖然我都沒抽到( B 表示A脫稿演出)。
A 我們也和實驗室的同學一起修課。
B we also took classes with our labmates.
A 彼此討論功課。
B cited each other’s assignment.
A 一起熬夜做project。
B did project until the we had breakfast.
A 一起面對許多的論文。
B we facebook together ( A皺眉了一下) we face paper together.
A 壓力大的時候,
B when we felt we were under great pressure,
A 我們一起從事休閒活動。
B we played Diabo III or warcraft together.
A 我們曾經面對許多研究上的困難。
B we faced many difficulties on research.
A 像tapeout的晶片什麼都量不到。
B like the tapeout chips became arts.
A 之前做成功的實驗後來就做不出來。
B like some magic happened.
A 寫程式的時候bug都抓不到。
B we just shut down the computer.
A 數學推導不出來。
B when it was time to change topic.
A 但感謝上帝。
B but thank God.
A 感謝老師。
B thank our teachers.
A 感謝同學。
B and thank our classmates.
A 因為我們在這當中學到很多。
B because we learned a lot during these troubles.
A 不只是學業上的。
B not only academically.
A 也有人際上的。
B but also interpersonally.
A 我們不只學習到做事的方法。
B we learned not only ways of doing things.
A 更重要的是也學習到做事的態度。
B but more importantly the attitude of doing things.
A 這也是為什麼我們要來唸研究所。
B this is why we need to study graduate school.
A 最後我想對這裡的大家說。
B finally I would like to say to everyone here.
A 很高興有你們。
B so glad to have you all.
A 畢業以後大家要繼續一起努力。
B let’s continue to work hard together after graduation.
A 願上帝祝福你們。
B God bless you all.
A 謝謝!!
B Thank you!!